Many educational establishments wait until new funds are available before making equipment purchases. By using leasing they do not need to wait and can acquire new equipment when needed without being tied to the timing of budgets.
In particular, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is becoming increasingly important in schools and colleges. Government policy and the need for computer literate employees of the future gives added pressure to the educational sector.
Many schools are unaware of alternative funding options such as leasing and are missing out on an incredibly flexible funding method, which is ideally suited to the educational sector. New funds may not always be available and when they are the resources are needed for both ICT purchases, and non ICT items such as books and sports equipment. Leasing can eliminate this problem.
The sale seems to have gone really smoothly and we are now talking to them about general cleaning products. Thanks for all your assistance.
Focus Leasing, 1 London Road Office Park, London Road, Salisbury. SP1 3HP